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Associated Press

Shortly before the polls close, over 4,000 Associated Press stringers report to county election centers. When the first polls close, we begin phoning in the raw vote as it is reported by the counties. Reporters then place calls to AP election centers around the country. 

At the centers, a total of over 800 vote entry clerks will answer those calls, and walk each stringer/reporter through a dialogue as they enter the number of precincts reporting and the candidates’ votes into our election night system. Since many states and counties display their election night results on websites, teams at the election centers also monitor those sites and enter results into the same system. This system tabulates the results and disseminates them in a number of formats to our member news organizations and customers. See more here from AP. 

Another corner I freelance in is writing and stringer work, be it web and social media copywriting, local reporting, or op-ed pieces. As a photographer and media-maker first, there is some cross over between local photo work and writing when it comes to producing articles. 

I have been writing copy for marketing material and social media content for the past 8 years or so. These are included in the writing samples attachment. Since 2020 I have worked as a freelance reporter for the Juneau County Star Times; a subsidiary of of WiscNewsI have also been a local stringer for Associated Press since 2020, reporting back live vote numbers from respective county courthouse buildings as they come in. 

You can also check out some musings of mine on
The World Over Writing (WordPress), though they are less ubiquitous than writing I do for others. Check out the attached PDF for more examples.


Juneau County Star Times Newspaper

Web Copy (science writing) for Raw Honey MKE

Web Copy (science writing) for Strong Microbials

If you are interested in my coverage or copywriting and would like to work together, please reach out via my contact page (email listed). 

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