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This piece is based on the ancient Greek computer discovered by a group of sponge divers in an ocean shipwreck off Point Glyphadia. As a Composite Mix created in Peak Pro, Kythera uses the audio illusion of gears and tinging metal. The use of filters and modulation create the ringing tones that are what one would envision hearing under water. This composition uses automation of synthesized and sampled sounds.

The Antikythera mechanism was designed to calculate astronomical positions. It was recovered in 1900–1901 from the Anikythera shipwreck but its significance and complexity were not understood until a century later. Jacques Cousteau visited the wreck in 1978, but although he found new dating evidence he did not find any additional remains of the Antikythera mechanism. The construction has been dated to the early 1st century BC - the first computer created that humans have come across.

Technological artifacts approaching its complexity and workmanship did not appear again until the 14th century AD, when mechanical astronomical clocks began to be built in Western Europe. In addition to mapping and predicting the stars in our skies, this device even calculated the Panhellenic games such as the Olympics and could continue to do so until the end of time.



Experimental Sound Piece 
UWM Elecroacoustic Salon
December 2015

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